9월, 2023의 게시물 표시

미니 치킨팟 파이. 각 미니당 약 100kcl입니다.(Mini Chicken Pot Pies. Around 100kcl for each mini.)

Mini Chicken Pot Pies. Around 100kcl for each mini. -- Delivered by RssEverything service

슈케트는 큰 것의 경우 50kcal 정도이고, 슈 페이스트리는 실제로 그 위치에 있습니다.(Chouquettes are only like 50ish kcal for a large one, choux pastry is really where it's at)

Chouquettes are only like 50ish kcal for a large one, choux pastry is really where it's at -- Delivered by RssEverything service

달걀 프라이를 곁들인 아보카도 토스트. 냠냠, 400칼로리.(Avocado toast with fried eggs. Yummm, 400 calories.)

Avocado toast with fried eggs. Yummm, 400 calories. -- Delivered by RssEverything service

내가 가장 좋아하는 소닉 체리 라임에이드 대체품(My favorite substitution for a Sonic cherry limeade)

My favorite substitution for a Sonic cherry limeade -- Delivered by RssEverything service

닭고기와 콜리플라워 라이스(Chicken and cauliflower rice)

Chicken and cauliflower rice -- Delivered by RssEverything service

새우 타코 5개에 253칼로리!!(5 shrimp tacos for 253 calories!!)

5 shrimp tacos for 253 calories!! -- Delivered by RssEverything service

창코나베(스모 선수 음식)는... 의외로 칼로리가 낮고 건강에 좋다? 시라타케, 고기, 야채,...(Chanko nabe (sumo wrestler food) is... surprisingly low cal and healthy? Shiratake, meat, veggies, t...)

Chanko nabe (sumo wrestler food) is... surprisingly low cal and healthy? Shiratake, meat, veggies, tofu, mushroom, broth -- Delivered by RssEverything service